1. 《有心企業》會獲頒發《有心企業》年度標誌和獎狀,標誌可用於企業各項宣傳活動或用品上展示,為期由該年度9月1日起直至翌年8月31日;
2. 提供義工服務的機會,包括:
- 有機會邀請《有心企業》組織員工參加義工服務
- 有機會參與由青協單位舉辦的「鄰舍探訪日」及/或「鄰舍團年飯」,為鄰舍送上祝福與關懷。
3. 有機會獲邀參與不定期舉辦的《有心企業》嘉許禮。
傳真:3755 7055
Heart to Heart Project
Sign up as Heart to Heart Company
To qualify as a Heart to Heart Company of the year (from 1 Sept to 31 Aug next year), please hand in the application form and make a minimum sponsorship of $4,000 within the year. The sponsorship is for supporting the the Heart to Heart Schools or the Neighbourhood Projects』 volunteer service projects.
The Project aims at giving public recognition of companies’ support for the promotion of youth volunteering and encouraging sponsorship of Heart to Heart Neighbourhood Teams by companies who wish to exhibit the spirit of corporate citizenship.
Awards and Recognition
1. Companies which sponsor a Heart to Heart School Neighbourhood Project will receive the Heart to Heart Company logo and a certificate of appreciation. The companies may display the awarded logo in promotional materials until 31 August in the application year.
2. Exhibit companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility by following joint caring action
- may join social services
- may participate in “Neighbourhood Visit Day” or “ Neighbourhood Reunion Lunch” organized by HKFYG.
3. An Award Ceremony may held to recognize the support of all Heart to Heart Companies
Submission of Application
By email: spot@hkfyg.org.hk; or
By fax: 3755 7055